Let the Search Begin

The time is now to get your projects finished before all the bike rallies and runs begin.  A perfect place to do this is to find your local bike night or swap meet.  You can get great deals on all kinds of parts, clothing, gloves, helmets and custom work.  If you live in and around the Southern California area come down to the So Cal Cycle Swap Meet in Long Beach, CA.  It’s one of the biggest shows around that only happens once a month usually around the 24th and has over 500 vendors.  There is a ton of goodies to look at and a ton of used parts for all model bikes and years.  A lot of really good vintage parts for those panheads and shovels.

I have scored numerous times just searching out a couple items I needed and didn’t want to pay full retail at the dealer.  You would be surprised what you can find at places like this and it’s always nice to meet new friends and get ideas for your next project.  One of my favorite things to do is look around the bike corral to check out what others have done and see some fantastic looking bikes.  Bike Corral parking is free with an entrance fee of $9.  All others park in the general parking and the cost is $10 per person.  It’s a great event and it looks like a it’s going to be a perfect Spring weather.  The next event will be held this weekend on Sunday the 24th, I hope to see you down there and let the search begin.

Happy picking!

So Cal Cycle Swap Meet

So Cal Cycle Bike Corral

So Cal Cycle Bike Corral